Transbordering Laboratory: Researching European cities divided by borders
European Stories
an article on the website of the European Culture Foundation

The travelling yurt
During the joint residency of Miha Kosovel, Michael Kurzwelly and Tanel Rander at Galerie B of the Frankfurter Kunstverein, we commissioned Szymon Mizera to build a yurt with 2 entrances for our art installation. The result is a work of art that has already changed at the constituent conference of the Transbordering Laboratory network…

About the foundation of our network
Now a network meeting is to take place once a year at changing locations.
We want to implement the following project ideas:
The art installation in the yurt is to travel to the various European twin cities.
Those who have the means to do so will offer residencies for artists, activists and journalists who want to explore European twin cities.