GFGZ – Gesellschaft zur Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit

Neuhausen am Rheinfall – Schweiz

The GFGZ – Society for the Promotion of Cross-Border Cooperation – sees itself as a European organisation with Swiss roots. As a think tank and NGO, it is committed to cross-border understanding and mental bridge-building. An essential part of our work is cross-border political education for all people, regardless of age, origin, budget or level of education.

Neuhausen am Rheinfall, the seat of the GFGZ, is de facto a hinge in the middle of Europe and connects the region of Lake Constance with the region on the Upper Rhine. As a former industrial town, it borders on the rural Baden – Württemberg region and thus offers many people work and income. Conversely, the region around Jestetter Zipfel offers local recreation and shopping opportunities. It is special that the German-Swiss border is an external EU border.

Our motivation is to promote the exchange and networking of people in the border regions. This with the aim of learning from each other, supporting each other and representing the interests of the border regions – both the twin cities and the border regions as such. There are enough political bodies, especially those of administrations, but their effectiveness is not always clear. There is a need for a European network of civil society, people engaged in cultural work and teachers.

We are willing to organise annual conferences (e.g. 2025 and 2027 or 2028) in Chiasso on the Swiss-Italian border or in the 5-country region (DE – FL – AT – CH – FRA) in connection with the organisation of a cultural congress. We are also happy to get involved wherever support is needed. We can also imagine opening an embassy in Neuhausen am Rheinfall and, in the longer term, in Chiasso.

