Alex Tamer
Alex Tamer has a Master’s Degree in European and Extra-European Languages and Literatures from the University of Udine (Department of languages, literatures, communication, education, and society) following a dissertation titled ‘Learning English as a second language through Role playing games’ and graduating summa cum laude. Prior to these studies they obtained their Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures in the same University with the dissertation ‘Dinámicas de neutralización en un chat entre hispanófonos [Language Neutralization Dynamics in a Spanishes-speaking chat]’. Their previous studies focused on graphic design, cinema, photography, and television.
Their main interests focus on didactics, with a particular emphasis on alternative didactics, inclusive didactics, and its languages. Since October 2019, they are collaborating with the italian association Quarantasettezeroquattro in the framework of didactics and the organization of educational trips focussed on the Holocaust, the history and literature of the city of Trieste, and the history of the city of Gorizia/Nova Gorica. Working also as a history educator in the same association, they deal with teaching the history of the Holocaust and other genocides and developing other curricula concerning 1900s European historical events. They are part of a number of European projects dealing with less-known parts of history and collaborate with international associations in the organisation and management of these projects.